Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Nokia Dreams Of Nanotechnology - Nokia Morph

A science fiction? Might be. But maybe 20 years from now we'll be using these kinds of devices! Don't forget that just a few decades ago that mobilephones was a laughable concept. Everyone laughed when our favorite Agent 007 picked up a wireless phone and started talking! But look at us now, always carrying wireless phones called mobilephones which is now almost as small as a matchbox.

Here's a concept that will likely blow people away by disbelief or be amazed and get excited. It is the Nokia Morph, it is an idea of creating a bendable mobilephone and that it is self cleaning, transparent and is transparent. Very sci-fi like.

It was introduced last year in February 25, 2008 at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. It was a gathering of ideas and imagination to conceptualize future advancements such as this. This will spark more ideas and more innovations by not only Nokia but by other mobilephone companies as well. Here are the concept for the the Nokia Morph.


Basically, as the name suggests, the Nokia Morph has a flexible design capable of taking various forms of shapes suited to a user's need. You can fold it or bend it and this will make it more easy to keep it. It should also be made of recyclable if not ecologically friendly.

Self Cleaning

We all have problems and frustrations on keeping our precious phones good looking. This idea though is quite complicated (isn't everything?). The “nanoflowers” are the ones going to be responsible in self preserving the phone. It should repel dust, water and even fingerprints. This will greatly reduce wear and tear and will not only make it look clean and sleek but also makes it last longer for use.

Advanced power sources

We already use Solar Power and the idea is to implement it into this design making the mobilephone capable of recharging itself. The “nanograss” should be able to harvest energy from the Sun and use it to power the device. Its a great concept and it can also be used on buildings and even vehicles if this will be realized.

Sensing the Environment

While this may be a bit off. Nanosensor would be able to analyze the environment from the air around us to the fruit you are going to ingest! Amazing and seems a bit silly. The nanosensors will be able to motivate us to do something about the environment since we would now be more aware of what happens around us. This will keep us more aware of our health and well being.


This will make devices which uses nanotechnology look good. This will fulfill the sci-fi looks by what we see on the movies. Along with clean aesthetics, the Nokia Morph will also be a device that can take form or rather adapt the color or themes of the things you wanted it to look like. For example your handbag, take a photo of it and let the Morph adapt it and make a theme out of it. Matching your handbag, its an excellent fashion device!

Technology advancement is really rapid these days and we may not even realize it. It's certainly a posibility. Perhaps we would be using this sooner or a bit later. It's amazing how the human mind can come up with imaginary things and make them into reality. One things for sure though, first release of this kind is gonna have a soaring price tag. I hope this will have a lot of free line rental cashback deals! Haha maybe a cheap T-mobile line rental contract offer will do!

1 comment:

  1. the Morph concept should win the award for coolest looking, most futuristic gadget of the year
